Monday, 11 October 2010

Summer's almost gone

I thought I would introduce the world to our cat. We took her in after I found her raiding our rubbish bin two years ago. It was in our kitchen at the time. We always have our back door open and she was so hungry that she invited herself in.

She started sleeping in our greenhouse and we kept on feeding her. So we adopted each other by accident. The trouble was that, at the beginning, she would literally climb the walls if we closed the door and we still can't pick her up to this day. We did manage to get her to the vets to be spayed, but when they operated they found that she had already been "done". The vet thought that she was probably in a shelter as a kitten which could explain it. Then, some family probably took her in and then discovered that she was not a cuddly little lap cat, but a fiery, spitting demon unless she is outside.She was still very young when she arrived with us.

She still likes to be between us and the door, but we do sometimes manage to close it if she isn't looking. She is very sulky when we do it and rushes to get out as soon as it is opened. At least these days, she doesn't get so stressed about it.

She spends her days asleep in the sun and comes in regularly at meal time to ask for her dinner. When she is at ease she rolls over and loves having her head and back rubbed. It is always on her terms though, which is perhaps as it should be. One day, we hope that she will lose her fear and be totally confident that we bear her no ill-will. It may be a long time before we get to that stage though.

She is officially called Ally (as in alley-cat), but she also gets Kit-kat, Kitty, Kitten and Madam depending on what mood she and I are in.